Summer is almost over, fall is approaching and it is time to do some canning! I have done a little bit as a result of Bountiful Baskets, but now that option is no longer available to me (as I am living in the Midwest), I am finding out neighbors have been very helpful and there are several road side vegetable stands in the area. They are also very trustworthy as they have a price chart and a coffee can with a slit in the lid for you to deposit money into as they are left unattended. I wish the entire world could be so fortunate. Anyway, I won't even get on that subject right now -- back to canning.
My husband did not plant a garden this year, but did plant sweet corn at the neighbors, along with a few hundred acres of field corn (so I won't hold not planting a garden against him, next year will be different). The neighbors let us pick all the sweet corn we wanted and I put up 30 quart size bags.
Robert and I picked wild berries from the woods a couple of evenings and I froze about 60 cups of berries. I haven't gotten my pie crust recipe to work here yet, so need to experiment before trying to make any more pies.
Another neighbor provided me with freshly picked green beans. Yesterday morning I snapped them and bottled 12 pints of pickled beans. Robert had not tried them before, but really likes them. They are crisp, fresh and with the pickling make your lips pucker a bit.
I love canning, I wish I had lots and lots of shelves to display beautiful jars on. Here is the recipe for the beans should you desire to try it yourself some day.
Green Beans
1/2 tsp. ground red pepper flakes or jalapenos
8 cloves garlic
4 lg. heads dill
2 c. 5% white vinegar
2 c. water
1/4 c. pickling salt
In each jar place beans, red pepper flakes (or jalapenos) and 2-3 cloves garlic. Bring vinegar, water and salt to a boil. Pour vinegar mixture over beans in jar leaving approximately 1/4" head space. Process jars 5 minutes in a boiling water bath @ full boil. (Just a note, this recipe will make approximately 3 pint jars of beans).
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