Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cancer Quilt

A while back someone asked if I would sew a quilt for a co-worker/friend who had recently been diagnosed with cancer and was starting chemotherapy.  (I hope these individuals don't mind if I share).  The co-workers/friends wrote on these hearts with pigma pens.  Some individuals cited to a scripture, others wrote a personal message, some quoted a saying -- they were all wonderful.  We didn't want the quilt to be an oversized Valentine, but instead show the recipient how much she is loved, cared for, and thought of.  I dug in my scraps and this is what I came up with -- lots of scrappy pinks, reds and whites to sew the hearts on.

To make the heart blocks stand out I used a small dot print for the posts and a creamy white solid sashing for the blocks.  Now to find a border, binding and backing to tie it all together -- off to a local fabric store to shop and this is what we came up with.  Here it is all sewn together.

This was one of the messages to the recipient of the quilt -- I just had to share.

And the final touch was the quilt label -- I am so bad about labeling my own -- but this made it even more personal. 

I need to give credit to my wonderful mother who appliqued hearts and sewed so I could do the quilting and finishing.  I believe between the two of us we finished this project in under a week.  I am thankful I was asked to be a part of this project.  A few months later I had the opportunity to meet the individual the quilt was presented to.  This was such a great idea, the recipient will have this to treasure -- and it will be a family keepsake forever.  

1 comment:

  1. Rhonda, that is asolutely beautiful! How touching is that. You should make those quilts to sell for loved ones and family members to give to their loved ones who have cancer..
